If you haven't been to a Moonlight Market then you are really missing out.

In case you are wondering, there are plenty of folks who identify as "witches" in Lubbock. Doesn't that mean they consort with the devil under the pale moonlight? Uh, naw dawg. They do venture out into the moonlight, but they tend to be into crafts, mystical, and very cool stuff.  Maybe it's time you consorted with some very cool people.

You can find all kinds of stuff you didn't know you needed at the Moonlight Market. Do you need a Pennywise bath bomb? They have it. Do you need soap in the shape of a dragon's eye? They have that too.

These local crafters come up with the most amazing stuff and it's the perfect "gifty" type of stuff for birthdays and holidays, and the perfect gifts to give yourself. Not only is Halloween fast approaching, but so is Christmas. Supporting these local crafters will make you feel wiggly inside and you'll get some unique and quite often, one-of-a-kind items.

This particular event even has its own swag available to make the event especially memorable. They will also have food trucks, aerialists, and a broom-making workshop ('cause are you really a witch if you don't have a cool, handmade broom?).


The event is this Saturday night beginning at 5 p.m. at 408 Avenue J. Step out of your comfort zone a little, and meet some good witches.

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