The Biggest Texas Dairy Queen Fan Could Win Free Food for a Year
Do you love Diary Queen and their tasty chicken strips or gravity defying Blizzards well then get ready to possibly win some free treats for a year. That's right Dairy Queen is actually searching for the biggest fan of theirs in the Lone Star state which means this is one Texas sized search.
Diary Queen is taking submissions for the biggest fan in Texas by asking customers to submit 250-300 word essays and what makes them the biggest fans. Along with the essay fans are encouraged to submit one picture that showcases how much of a fan they are.
The grand prize for this contest is of course getting free "treats and eats" for a year along with lots of merch from Dr Pepper and the Josh Abbott Band. There will also be four opportunities for those that don't win to win a prize as well in this contest. Four semi-finalists will win a Dairy Queen gift card and some merch from Texas' favorite soda brand Dr Pepper.
This contest did begin on May 29, 2023 and will end on August 6, 2023 which gives fans plenty of time to come up with their entry essays and that one photo that just yells Dairy Queen. The grand prize winner and four runner-ups will be announced on August 14. Those that will be entering the contest must be at least 13-years-old and must receive help from their parents to enter. The complete list of rules for the contest can be found online along with the entry form.