Texas Tech Grants Make-A-Wish Scholarship to Future Engineering Student
So often all we see from big universities are the athletics programs or the major decisions. We rarely get to see the human side of the billion-dollar corporations that state schools are now. Sometimes though, those universities give us a glimpse of things that are probably happening more than we know, which makes them a little more personal.
Texas Tech University partnered with the Make-a-Wish foundation this week to give a man named Matthew an entire year of tuition.
Matthew is an 18-year-old high school student who is currently battling a brain tumor. Through Make-a-Wish, he wished to have his college tuition paid for. Texas Tech is going that by giving him a $5,000 scholarship, which is being matched by Make-a-Wish. Then, the College of Engineering is adding a $2,000 scholarship to cover Matthew's entire freshman year.
Texas Tech Head Football Coach Joey McGuire, who is everywhere, attended a presentation today where Matthew was given his scholarship. McGuire gave him a signed football.
“Today I got pleasantly surprised with a lot of support from this campus,” Matthew said. “I was happy to attend before and now I'm even more excited because I already can see how loved I'll be here.”
Texas Tech President Dr. Lawrence Schovanec spoke at the event about how honored the university was that Matthew wanted to attend. Along with the scholarships, Matthew was also offered an on-campus job for the fall semester and will be pursuing a degree from the Department of Computer Science.