Texans for Jodey Arrington Announce $200,000 Raised in Last Days of June
Former Texas Tech Vice Chancellor Jodey Arrington’s campaign announced that they raised more than $200,000 during the last 10 days of June.
Arrington has announced his intention to joint the ballot for the Special Election for State Senate District 28. The special election is required after long-serving State Senator Robert Duncan vacated the position to replace former Texas Tech Chancellor Kent Hance. Details for the Special Election are dependent on a forthcoming announcement from Texas Governor Rick Perry.
Arrington, whose past political experiences include two stints working for George W. Bush, said that his top priorities include securing the border and meeting future water needs of district 28.
“Anne and I want to thank all of our friends and supporters for putting our team in a position to run a winning, grassroots campaign across every county in the District,” said Arrington. “To have strong support from so many friends, community leaders and former colleagues who know my track record of conservative leadership and getting results is a great honor.”
Arrington’s campaign, Texans for Jodey Arrington, filed a report on campaign contributions with the Ethics Commission Tuesday, July 15. The report shows that $206,650 have been contributed to the campaign from January through June from 186 contributors, but that most contributions came from the last 10 days in June.
State Representative Charles Perry has also stated intentions to join the ballot for Senate District 28 during the Special Election.