Candidates that will be in attendance at the event include Austin Carrizales, candidate for Lubbock County Judge; Ed Tishler for Texas House District 84; and Neal Marchbanks for U.S. Congress, District 19.
Today, December 9, is the filing deadline for candidates for the 2014 Texas Primary Election.
Candidates running for an office located within one county have to file with their county party. Candidates running for a statewide office, or an office located in multiple counties, have to file with the state party...
Lubbock Democrats will also provide feedback to Steele and the organization on what they believe will work in West Texas, as well as the challenges which will likely be faced by the group.
All voters that plan to cast a ballot in the Primary must be registered to vote By April 30th. Early voting will begin on May 14th, and will run through May 25th.
Now-former Lubbock County Republican Party Chairman Chris Winn has filed to run against incumbent U.S. Congressman Randy Neugebauer for U.S. District 19.