Craig Aikman, Program Director of The American Theatre Guild, on The Chad Hasty Show talking about the inaugural season at The Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences in Lubbock.
Thursday, April 20th is a big day for the arts and entertainment in Lubbock. It's the day groundbreaking will take place on the Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences.
According to the Lubbock Entertainment/Performing Arts Association:
When complete, Buddy Holly Hall will be a world-class, one-of-a-kind performing arts campus with 218,000 total square feet, featuring:
The Helen DeVit
Texas Tech Activities Board - Nightlife is accepting applications for the Red Raider Showcase, the yearly talent show, that pits Tech students against each other in a battle to see who has more talent.
The winner of this year’s showcase will win free textbooks for the rest of their undergraduate program at Tech...
Allison Wood from 'Christ in the Arts' on The Chad Hasty Show talking about their upcoming dramatic dance production, "REBORN – LIFE As It Was Meant To Be."