Daylight Savings Time in 2024: Why do We Still Have It in Texas?Daylight Savings Time in 2024: Why do We Still Have It in Texas?Why do we have Daylight Savings Time and what purpose does it serve in 2024?NickNick
Lubbock's Mugshot Monday: 62 Arrests the Week of Daylight SavingsLubbock's Mugshot Monday: 62 Arrests the Week of Daylight Savings62 mugshots of individuals arrested and booked into the Lubbock County Detention Center during the week of March 4 - March 10, 2024KFYOKFYO
Texans Will Celebrate More Than A Time Change This WeekendTexans Will Celebrate More Than A Time Change This WeekendAre you ready for a very iconic, but very recent holiday?WesWes
Daylight Saving Time Is Incredibly Dumb, And Lubbock Doesn’t Need To Participate.Daylight Saving Time Is Incredibly Dumb, And Lubbock Doesn’t Need To Participate.One angry Lubbock Man's Annual Rant About Why Daylight Saving Time Is StupidLance BallanceLance Ballance
Don’t Forget! Daylight Savings Time Begins Sunday at 2amIt's time to "spring forward"!Chad HastyChad Hasty
Daylight Savings Q&AsDaylight Savings Q&AsThis is the weekend, most of the nation will unwillingly lose a few hours of sleep as our clocks spring ahead. Read more to find answers to some Daylight Savings Time questions. Julie FisherJulie Fisher