The iconic Texas gas station Buc-ee's is aiming to build a new location in Texas and it could be just as large or larger than one in the works in Tennessee.
While most of us have a casual love for Buc-ee's that usually just involves stopping by one on road trips and picking up some of their iconic snacks, others take their love to extreme levels.
I know you think you want one of these super convenience stores here, but you don't.
The reason you love Buc-ee's is probably not what you think it is. It's more about it being a break from the road than anything else. And if you're not taking a break from the road, then part of the magic is gone...
Over the weekend, CBS Sunday Morning featured Buc-ee's in a five-minute long segment. Everything from the famous restrooms, to the beef jerky & BBQ, and the world's longest car wash was featured