
Where to Get the Best Margaritas According to r/Lubbock
Where to Get the Best Margaritas According to r/Lubbock
Where to Get the Best Margaritas According to r/Lubbock
Lubbock is home to a variety of great spots that serve cocktails of all kinds, but there is something so special about a great margarita. There is an art to making the perfect marg, and not everyone gets it right.
Alcohol To-Go Could Become Law In Texas
Alcohol To-Go Could Become Law In Texas
Alcohol To-Go Could Become Law In Texas
There haven't been many silver linings for bars and restaurants during the coronavirus pandemic. Many have ended up closing throughout the State of Texas and even here in Lubbock we have seen our fair share of closings. But alcohol to-go might just be that one issue that the industry points to as a success story in 2020 and 2021...
Eddie McBride Talks Bars Reopening and COVID-19 Seminars
Eddie McBride Talks Bars Reopening and COVID-19 Seminars
Eddie McBride Talks Bars Reopening and COVID-19 Seminars
Tuesday on KFYO Mornings with Dave King and Matt Martin, The President and CEO of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce Eddie McBride joined Dave and Matt to talk about last week's BBQ competition, bars being reopened soon and what impact that will have, local bond elections, COVID-19 seminars to help out local businesses, the new announcements for the Chamber's programs in 2021, and more...
I Went To A Bar… Oops Sorry, Restaurant Last Night
I Went To A Bar… Oops Sorry, Restaurant Last Night
I Went To A Bar… Oops Sorry, Restaurant Last Night
On Thursday night, I went to one of my favorite bars in Lubbock. It’s a large building with a good patio with a good selection of whiskey and they still allow cigar smoking. It’s a pretty rare place in Lubbock due to the fact that they allow cigar smoking in the first place...

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