Summer Meal Sites Feed Kids for the Summer
The Texas Hunger Initiative, the South Plains Food Bank, YWCA of Lubbock, and Lubbock ISD and Frenship ISD are collaborating with a diverse group of partners to kick off the Free Summer Meals program for kids and teens in the area.
This program provides food for kids in the area during summer when schools aren’t open to provide lunches. Meals are free to children and teens ages 18 and younger who come to a Summer Meals site and the Food served follows USDA nutrition guidelines and is paid for by the USDA.
Here's a list of places that will be serving up meals Monday through Thursday weekly.
May 31st - June 29th Breakfast: 7:45 am - 8:45 am Lunch: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm
- Coronado High School
- Lubbock High
- Estacado
- Monterey
- Smilie Wilson
- Stewart
- McWhorter (Ends June 21st)
- Ramirez (Breakfast: 7:30 am - 8:30 am)
May 31st - August 8th Breakfast: 7:45 am - 8:45 am Lunch: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm
- Cavasos
- Atkins
- Water
- Parsons
- Wester
- Bean
- Ervin
- Harwell
- Overton
Gte more information here.