Here are just a few things in Chad’s Pile that you will hear on Lubbock’s First News this morning. Give Chad your feedback on the steaming topics.

1. Steve Jobs unveils Mac OS X Lion and the iCloud (link) and (link)

Yesterday Apple announced the iCloud and the brand new operating system called Lion. So far, it's a hit which isn't surprising. The iCloud is a really great idea and one that I'm pretty sure others will latch onto. In a nutshell, iCloud stores all your info (pictures, documents, music, etc.) and shares it with your other wireless devices. Awesome. There are a lot of great features with the new OS which you can check out in the links provided.

2. Rep. Anthony Weiner is a moron (link)

Anthony Weiner now admits to sending the picture of his junk over Twitter and it's not the first time he's ever done it. Apparently there are many other women and many other pictures. Seriously, what an idiot.

3. Obama isn't cool anymore (link)

According to this report, white college kids don't like President Obama anymore. Here is part of the story:

President Obama poll numbers are nearing the levels he enjoyed in 2008, with one glaring exception: young people. Especially young white people.  His approval rating is at 56 percent approval rating among people ages 18 to 29. That's higher than the 51 percent national average, but that's a decline of 10 points compared to the 2008 exit polls, according to the National Journal'sRonald Brownstein report. And if you want a look into the reason for the slump in one of the demographic groups that most strongly embraced Obama in 2008, it may be this: Obama's simply not cool anymore.

If the only reason you vote for someone for President is because they are cool, please never vote again.

4. Governor Rick Perry wants you to fast with him (link)

Gov. Rick Perry released a proclamation on Monday calling for a day of fasting and prayer on August 6th. He declared it a “Day of Prayer and Fasting for our Nation’s Challenges.” You going to join in with Governor Rick Perry?

These and many more topics coming up on Tuesday’s edition of Lubbock’s First News with Chad Hasty. Tune in mornings 6-9am on News/Talk 790 KFYO, streaming online at, and now on your iPhone and Android device with the radioPup App.

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