I'll bet Santa's never gotten a Christmas letter like this before.

In England, 13-year-old Mekeeda Austin (isn't she a little too old to be believing in Santa?) wrote this threatening letter to Santa Claus:

Dear Santa,

This Christmas, I don't ask for much, so if I don't get at least two of these things I want, I will literally KILL you! Do you understand? Oh, also, I'll hunt down your reindeers, cook them, & serve their meat to homeless people on Christmas Day. Nobody wants that...so here's what I want..."


She then goes on to list several expensive items, such as a Blackberry and designer clothing, and ends the letter with, "Remember, two of these, or you die."

Mekeeda's mother said she was shocked when she saw the letter, but she promised to get everything on her spoiled little brat's list, because as she puts it, "You don't want to get on the wrong side of Mekeeda." Obviously, what we have here is a pampered, heinous bully of a girl and a mother too scared of her own daughter to be a parent. It seems to me that all this "mother" is doing is teaching this brat that she can complain and bully and threaten her way to whatever she wants, just because she wants it.

What this girl really needs for Christmas is a good kick in the pants and a reality check.

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