Sorry Lubbock, Windy Conditions Will Continue This Week
Let's be honest about the weather we experienced on Sunday. It was terrible. One of the worst dust storms in years pummeled Lubbock and surrounding areas. Wind gusts hit over 70 mph throughout the South Plains. According to the National Weather Service, here were some of the peak wind gusts in Lubbock County.
1 NNW Lubbock Int. Airport 77 MPH 0720 PM 02/26 ASOS 4 E Lubbock 77 MPH 0726 PM 02/26 Mesonet 2 NW Reese Center 72 MPH 0544 PM 02/26 Mesonet 6 E Ropesville 72 MPH 0547 PM 02/26 Mesonet 3 WNW Lubbock 71 MPH 0553 PM 02/26 Mesonet 5 E Wolfforth 70 MPH 0715 PM 02/26 Mesonet 5 NNW Idalou 70 MPH 0723 PM 02/26 Mesonet 4 SSE Lubbock 64 MPH 0620 PM 02/26 Mesonet
Sunday's dust storm left some with property damage and everyone with dirt inside their homes and vehicles, and even the most hardened West Texans complained about how bad the dust and wind was.
The bad news? It's going to be windy most of this week. And if not officially windy, it will be "breezy". According to KAMC, we can expect high temperatures in the low to mid-70's through Wednesday and it will be anywhere from "breezy" to "windy". The good news? At least according to KAMC's latest forecast? The dirt should stay on the ground for the most part.
That is, until Thursday when temperatures cool off and the forecast calls for a chance of rain along with wind and blowing dust. Sorry.
So get ready and used to windy conditions this week and heading into next week as well. Hopefully, we won't see anything like we did Sunday.
Speaking of Sunday's dust storm. Wes over at FMX put together a gallery of pictures sent to him of the storm. Check them out below.