In an attempt to battle the ever-growing childhood obesity epidemic that has rampaged across the country, schools have started examining all of their students and informing their parents if their child is even the slightest bit overweight. Did I forget to mention that we're talking about Britain?

5-year-old Alex was told by his school that he was overweight, tipping the scales at just 4 pounds over the "healthy" weight for a 5-year-old. To add insult to injury, the school also allegedly told Alex he would probably become a fat adult as well. Alex is about 5 inches taller than most children his age, which probably contributed to the overweight reading and was probably not taken into account when the school sent the notice to his parents.

Mum Karen Green was astonished to get a letter from school saying: "You may be surprised your child's result is in the overweight range.

"It can sometimes be difficult to tell if your child is overweight as they may look similar to other children their age.

Research shows that children who are overweight or very overweight have higher risk of ill health during childhood and later life."

Wow, with the way they're completely overreacting, you would think Britain is the one with the major obesity problem, and not us.

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