Once Upon a Time in Lubbock – Putt Putt Golf and Games
In this week’s edition of Once Upon a Time in Lubbock, I bring you the tales of Putt-Putt Golf and Games.
For those of us who grew up during the 1980s in Lubbock, this was the place to be on the weekends and all summer long. For those like me, it wasn’t so much about the mini-golf, but the arcade inside.
Putt Putt Golf and Games was located at 5110 29th Drive. It no longer exists due to a teenage arsonist.
Birthday parties were a regular thing during my elementary years. Now the go-karts and other things came later, but the mini-golf and arcade are what I remember having the most fun with.
Parents would drop you off on Saturday afternoon and might come back for you around dark. I figured I spent several hundred dollars there when I was growing up.
What was neat during that time is that almost all of the locations across the country looked the same, take a look at Putt Putt World magazine from 1989 and see for yourself.
Like so many others, I was devastated when I heard the news that some nasty teenage child burned my memories to the ground.
Now I will say that I hadn’t been there in years, but I knew it was there.
Another fun Lubbock place lost to time...and fire.
Did you hang out at Putt Putt? Do you miss it? Let us know in the comments.