New Map Shows Number of Concealed Handgun License Holders in Texas by ZIP Code
The number of Texans who have their concealed handgun licenses, now called a license to carry, is on the increase and a new map shows which ZIP codes in the state have the most CHL holders.
One Lubbock ZIP code actually ranks in the top ten in the state for how many license holders it contains.
The information for the map was gathered by the San Antonio-Express News. According to the report, 937,419 Texans have their license to carry. As expected, most of the license holders live around Dallas-Ft. Worth and Houston.
As for Lubbock, three ZIP codes register having over 1,000 license holders.
ZIP code 79424 has 3,458 license holders which ranks 9th in the whole state.
ZIP code 79423 has 2,181 license holders.
ZIP code 79416 has 1,379 license holders.
Check out the interactive map and see how many license holders live in your ZIP code, or use this tool to see how many people in your ZIP code have their CHL license.