Lubbock County Republican Party Chairman Steve Evans Seeks Resignation of Elected Official
Tuesday morning, Lubbock County Republican Party Chairman Steve Evans publicly called for the resignation of a public official.
Evans says Lubbock County Precinct 2 Constable Jody Barnes (pictured, below) should resign in light of recent allegations of misconduct.
A Lubbock County human resources report was recently released alleging racist speech by Barnes to a Lubbock County employee in December 2018.
The report says in part: "She stated that Jody talked multiple times about giving her CHL (concealed handgun license) training lessons as a Christmas gift. [Name redacted] communicated that she was not sure what he was referring to because that is not her. She also, offered that Jody references that she could be a 'can' shooter for which [name redacted] did not understand the meaning of that statement. Jody told her that a can shooter shoots Mexicans and Africans."
In addition, when confronted about the alleged incident in January 2019, Constable Barnes damaged county property while in a meeting with county’s human resources director.
LCRP Chairman Steve Evans says the party will not tolerate the type of conduct exhibited by Barnes.
Below is the full statement from Evans.
***For Immediate Release**
Tuesday, July 24, 2019
From Steve Evans, Lubbock County Republican Party Chairman:
"In light of the recent allegations of misconduct directed at Lubbock County Precinct 2 Constable Jody Barnes, as highlighted in the attached Lubbock County Human Resources report and featured in an article posted on lubbocklights.com, the Lubbock County Republican Party hereby condemns the actions of Constable Barnes and calls for his immediate resignation. The Lubbock County Republican Party strives to hold our elected officials accountable and will not tolerate the type of conduct exhibited by Constable Barnes," said Evans.
Link to Lubbock County Human Resources report, provided by Lubbock County Republican Party.
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