Lawsuit Filed by Former Lubbock County Medical Examiner’s Office Employee
A lawsuit has been filed against NAAG Pathology Labs, Dr. Sam Andrews of the Lubbock County Medical Examiner's Office, and Dr. Evan Matshes by a former employee of the Medical Examiner's Office.
56-year-old Senee Graves was fired back on January 17th for reporting suspicious and potentially illegal activity within the medical examiner's office, according to the lawsuit.
In a press release issued by Glaseen, Valles and Inderman, Graves' representation, the suspicious behavior observed included autopsies performed by an unlicensed physician, and concerns over shipping excessive numbers of body parts to NAAG's lab in California.
Graves is seeking over $1,000,000 in damages and reinstatement to her job with the county.
Graves' attorney Kevin Glasheen said "Ms. Graves is a hero for exposing these California body snatchers who have taken over the Lubbock County Medical Examiner's Office. Of course, they immediately fired her for doing so - and now we are going to make them pay."