It's hard to believe it's only been 5 months since Japan was struck by a devastating earthquake and tsunami. But in the midst of the damage and destruction, the Japanese people haven't forgotten to do the right thing.

Since the disaster struck, people have been turning in thousands of wallets left behind in the debris, adding up to nearly $48 million in cash. In addition, more than 5,700 safes have also been turned in, the contents totaling about $30 million dollars. Altogether, $78 million worth of cash and valuable have been tuned in, and much of these riches have been returned to their rightful owners.

I'm stunned by the honestly of these people. When major disasters like this occur in the U.S, you almost always hear stories about looting and stealing and pretty much anarchy in the streets. Imagine if people here in the states had this kind of honesty when we go through a disaster of this scale.

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