If you love food trucks, this monthly event will be your new favorite thing. Not only does it bring a bunch of food trucks together all day for you to enjoy, but it also helps a good cause.

It was started up as a way to enjoy food, get the food trucks together and also help nonprofit groups in Lubbock. They've raised some amazing money for these causes and they're continuing to do big things.

Food Trucks for a Cause
Food Trucks for a Cause

The event is called Lubbock’s Food Truck for a Cause organization, and every month it's different. For example, for the month of August 2022, the event will benefit Voice of Hope: Rape Crisis Center.

How does it work? All you have to do is show up and eat the food. Then, they take a percentage of the money raised and give it back to that month's nonprofit.

It always happens on the last Sunday of every month at the Aldersgate Church, located at 10306 Indiana Ave. The event happens all day long. They have some food trucks there for lunch and others for dinner. It all kicks off at 11 a.m. and goes until 8 p.m.

You definitely want to get there early because most food trucks do sell out. There's normally more than 20 food trucks available between lunch and dinner time.

The event also has a lot of other fun things to offer like games, live music, face painting and more. You can find out more about these events on their Facebook page or just come out every last Sunday of each month.

64 Lubbock-Area Food Trucks You Need to Try

Here's a list of all the food trucks in alphabetical order so it is easy for you to find here in Lubbock. Support local!

Here Are 4 Quick and Easy Ways to Find Lubbock Food Trucks


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