Harvey Hilderbran Hosting Weekend Meet and Greet in Lubbock
A Republican running for statewide office in Texas will make a stop in Lubbock this weekend.
State Representative Harvey Hilderbran of Kerrville is running for State Comptroller and will hold a meet and greet on Saturday from 1:30-3pm at Riversmith’s on 5th street and Avenue Q.
Hilderbran is seeking to replace current Comptroller Susan Combs. Combs is not seeking the office for another term after first being elected back in 2002.
Hilderbran is a Texas Tech alum and has served in the Texas Legislature since 1988.
To attend the event, please RSVP to sarah@harveyfortexas.com or call 210-387-9766. For more information on Hilderbran visit harveyfortexas.com.