Most parents try to limit or control their kids' exposure to technology. They don't want their kids spending all their time on Facebook, Twitter, video games, or any of those other technological time sucks. But one family is not limiting their kids' technology use; they're getting in on it themselves.

In fact, Fred and Joanne Wilson from New York City, along with their 3 chlidren, publish a combined total of 9 blogs.

Mr. Wilson writes for, a technology blog that attracts an average of 250,000 unqiue visitors a month. Mrs. Wilson is the author of "Gotham Gal" another tech-based blog that also caters to women entrepreneurs. Their two daughters, Jessica and Emily, are both photographers and post their work on the photo-sharing site Tumblr, and their son Josh is a video gamer.

While I don't think it's necessary for a family to be this connected to technology, I think this Wilson family has the right idea. Parents shouldn't be trying to limit their kids' use of technology. Technology surrounds us every day, and it's only going to become a bigger part of our lives as time goes on. Instead, I think parents should be learning with their kids about the latest technology and social networks. That way, the kids can show the parents how to use the technology, and the parents can show their kids how to use the technology responsibly.

If the Wilson family is any indication of how families will stay connected in the future, I think we're on the right track. After all, the family that blogs together, stays together.

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