EMS Responds to 58 Calls After Fans Pass Out at Texas Tech vs Texas Game

University Medical Center Emergency Medical Services said they responded to 58 calls at the sold-out Texas Tech vs Texas game over the weekend.
KAMC News reports that Jones AT&T Stadium contained over 60,000 people that day, and that temperatures hovered around 90 degrees. According to UMC Training Chief Chad Curry, over 50 people came in to seek help on their own, reaching out to first responders at the game for medicine or searching for a place to cool off.
Curry said with the amount of people in the stadium, no one had a chance to get to the concourse to have time to themselves. He also mentioned that the kind of environment from this weekend wouldn't have been the best place for someone that was claustrophobic.
First responders typically team up with Texas Tech University to provide services at big games like this one. Robert Giovannetti, senior associate athletics director for Texas Tech, said that they often provide heat management stations at each corner of the stadium. There, fans can fill up water underneath fans and shade.
Fans are allowed to bring a 20 oz. water bottle into the stadium, as well as sunscreen. Despite this, multiple fans still ended up passing out. One person even had to be sent to the hospital during the game.
Texas Tech's next home game will be cooler than this weekend, but fans should still be aware of the resources at their disposal so they don't find themselves in these kinds of situations. The next home game against West Virginia is set for October 22nd.
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