Eddie McBride Talks Upcoming Chamber Events and Unemployment Rate
Tuesday on KFYO Mornings with Dave King and Matt Martin, The President and CEO of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce Eddie McBride joined Dave and Matt to talk about upcoming events for the Lubbock Chamber.
Eddie discussed the Young Entrepreneurs Academy, the unemployment rate in Lubbock, the Diversity Summit, Business After Hours, the Switzerland Informational Presentation, Lubbock Day in Austin, and more.
McBride first discussed the Young Entrepreneurs Academy, the chambers program to help 11-18 year olds learn to create their own businesses, who will be having a CEO roundtable where they will meet with some entrepreneurs and learn how they got their businesses started. Eddie said that it is, "a very good thing to help teach kids at the earliest of ages more self confidence. You know, they do a very good job at learning how to pitch their business."
Eddie also talked about the job rate in Lubbock and the currently low unemployment rate. Eddie said that this is both good and bad. It's good for people who needed jobs, but can be difficult now for people whos still need jobs. Despite this, he went on to say,
"If somebody's really looking for a job, they might have to search a little bit depending on their qualifications and skills, but the fact of the matter is, there's jobs out there for folks in Lubbock Texas."
Other upcoming events at the chamber include the March 5th Diversity Summit where their theme this year is Better Business through Diversity, Business After Hours on February 21st, the Switzerland Informational Presentation on February 19th to prepare for the September 10th trip, and Lubbock Day in Austin on February 26th and 27th.
Read more at lubbockchamber.com and watch the full interview in the video above.