Tuesday on KFYO Mornings with Dave King and Matt Martin, the Superintendent of the Lubbock Independent School District Dr. Kathy Rollo joined Matt and Dave to talk about how they will handle graduation, the next football season, reopening plans, summer plans, wearing masks, and more.

Dr. Rollo started the discussion by saying that we are now in the 2nd week of summer, and they are preparing for the high school students graduation, which is now scheduled to happen in person. The graduations will start this Thursday the 4th with Talkington, and will go through Saturday night. Rollo said that graduating high school is a big milestone, and so she's happy that they are able to have them in person rather that online. When asked if masks would be required for graduation, she said that that they are not, but will be offered. The events will also be limited to 25% capacity.

The Superintendent was also asked how long it will take to prepare for the next school year. Dr. Rollo explained that they are always preparing for the next school year, and that they are planning to return to normal school by August 7th. "We'll be ready," Rollo said. Additionally, they are planning during the month of June to have Summer Learning. This will take place in July and will be for some of the higher risk kids. Rollo was also asked what she expects to happen to football next semester. Rollo said that they expect to have football start up again in some form in August.

Rollo joked about how everything that has happened is unprecedented, saying, "We've talked, as superintendents in our network, how it's like flying the plane while it's being built." She thanks the strong team and the strong Lubbock community.


Watch the full interview with Dr. Kathy Rollo in the video above.

KFYO Mornings with Dave King & Matt Martin airs weekday mornings live, from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM on News/Talk 95.1 FM and 790 AM KFYO, online at KFYO.com, & on the free KFYO app.

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