
Personally, I believe any day is a good day for doughnuts.

But just in case you need a good reason to grab a doughnut today, the first Friday of June is National Doughnut Day. And doughnut places around the nation are taking note and offering some "sweet" deals.

Krispy Kreme, which created a National Doughnut Day event page on Facebook, says people can stop into a store and get one free doughnut of any kind, no purchase necessary. LaMar’s Donuts, a chain with a decent-sized presence in Colorado and the Midwest, is also offering one freebie per customer, no strings attached.

The Dunkin’ Donuts deal is still pretty sweet, but it’s not totally free: Buy any beverage — including the prepackaged ones in the fridge — and they’ll throw in a complimentary doughnut, while supplies last. (Dunkin’ and Krispy Kreme both throw in the “at participating stores” caveat. Reps for both companies say the best way to figure out if the doughnut shop you plan to visit is participating, give them a call.)

National Doughnut Day originated back in 1938, to honor Salvation Army volunteers who passed out doughnuts to troops during World War I. And like all good American holidays, it serves as a convenient excuse to stuff your face with food.

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