It seemed like such a sure thing. When Republicans arrived to Austin on a conservative wave, it seemed as though the time was perfect to pass the bills Texans have been wanting passed for a while. Remember what I said a few months ago though, don't hold your breath.

Campus Carry isn't dead yet. It's on life support, but not dead.

Supporters still seem optimistic that a deal will get done, but I am just not feeling that way. Everyday that goes by the chances get slimmer and slimmer that Campus Carry passes. Why? Time. There still many bills out there, and there is the budget that still has to be worked out.

So what can you do? Easy, make phone calls. Supporters of Campus Carry must make their voices heard, and you must do it now. Make sure those in the Senate know that you support this measure. If you don't, say goodbye to Campus Carry.

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