Chad’s Morning Brief: Back From Austin, Religious Freedom Law Under Attack in Indiana, and More
Here is your Morning Brief for March 30, 2015.
Back From Austin
The show is back live in Lubbock this week after spending some time at the State Capitol in Austin last week. Rep. John Frullo and his staff hosted the show and went out of their way to make sure everything ran smoothly last week with all the guests that came by. It was a busy week last week and I appreciate all Rep. Frullo and his staff did for the show. If you missed any of the interviews last week, including those with Governor Greg Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Speaker Joe Straus, and more, check out the KFYO YouTube page. All videos should be uploaded by Monday.
As I wrote earlier, things are really starting to get going in Austin. This week we will talk about Open Carry and texting while driving legislation. The texting bill is terrible and another example of legislation that is being passed for the wrong reasons. I don't see the Governor signing off on this bill.
Religious Freedom Bill
In Indiana, Governor Mike Pence is standing his ground on his state's new law that protects religious freedom. According to USA Today, the Governor is open to a second law clarifying the first law (waste of time) but he won't be changing the law.
Facing a rising tide of criticism and business boycotts against his state, Pence said he would consider a second law that "amplifies and clarifies" the first one but added, "We're not going to change the law."
"We have suffered under this avalanche for the last several days of condemnation, and it's completely baseless," Pence said on ABC's This Week. "This isn't about disputes between individuals. It's about government overreach.
What the 'religious freedom' law really means for Indiana
"I'm working hard to clarify this," Pence said. "We're reaching out to business leaders."
The law Pence signed Thursday prohibits state or local governments from substantially burdening a person's ability to exercise their religion — unless the government can show that it has a compelling interest and that the action is the least restrictive way to achieve it. It takes effect July 1.
On Saturday, thousands of people gathered in downtown Indianapolis to protest the law that critics say could allow discrimination against gays and lesbians. And business leaders have balked, led by Indianapolis-based Angie's List, which put off a planned $40 million expansion.
Thousands protest 'religious freedom' law in Indiana
The governor's effort to quell the firestorm over the state's religious freedom restoration act did little to mollify gay rights organizations convinced that the law would allow businesses to refuse to serve gays and lesbians.
"Governor Pence's calls for a clarification of this destructive bill are phony unless the legislation guarantees explicit non-discrimination protections for LGBT Hoosiers and includes a clear civil rights carve-out," said Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign.
Good for Governor Pence. The faux-outrage by the left is just pathetic.
Other Must Read Links:
These and many more topics coming up on today’s edition of The Chad Hasty Show. Tune in mornings 8:30-11am on News/Talk 790 KFYO, streaming online at kfyo.com, and now on your iPhone and Android device with the radioPup App. All guest interviews can be heard on our KFYO YouTube page after the show and online at kfyo.com.
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