Captain Bobby Parker from Lubbock’s Salvation Army on The Chad Hasty Show [VIDEO]
Captain Bobby Parker from the Salvation Army in Lubbock joined The Chad Hasty Show on Tuesday to talk with guest host Carl Tepper about the organization, its founding and mission.
Captain Parker talked about donations to the Salvation Army and how they are used, as well as the Salvation Army's goals and how it assists people in the local community.
We at the Salvation Army are very intentional about getting people those immediate services they need whether it's shelter, food or clothing. And then we're able to get them into some case management that's tailored to their individual needs so that we can, not just give them a band-aid, but really give them the tools, the resources, the education that they need to get back on their feet and to be integrated back into society and become great members in their communities themselves.
Listen to the entire interview with Captain Bobby Parker in the video player above.
Carl Tepper is a vice-chairman on the board of directors for Lubbock's Salvation Army. Tepper is also Chairman of the Lubbock County Republican Party, and a frequent guest host on The Chad Hasty Show.