Arrington Announces New Legislation On Riots And Law & Order
Congressman Jodey Arrington on Tuesday announced three new pieces of legislation that he has filed that would deal with policing, rioting, and law & order in the United States.
According to a press release on Tuesday, the first piece of legislation is called The David Dorn Act. This would double the maximum imprisonment for rioting as well as establish a mandatory fine.
Until his last breath, Captain David Dorn dedicated his life to serving his community and protecting his fellow man,” said Arrington. “David Dorn and the many victims of recent riots must not be forgotten, and violent mobs must not be tolerated. Rioters masquerading as peaceful protesters undermine the constitutional rights of every American citizen and endanger the safety of every American community.
Another piece of legislation, The Patrick Underwood Act, would increase the penalties for assault on a federal officer.
The third piece of legislation, H.R. 1083 supports actions taken by the Trump administration to restore order to U.S. cities like Seattle, Chicago, and Portland. In a statement, Arrington said that the "Marxists attacking our communities must be arrested and prosecuted".
“For months, Congress has been conspicuously silent as local leaders have allowed their cities to burn, forsaking their first responsibility to protect their citizens and enforce our laws. All the while, leftist mobs continue to perpetuate crime in our communities and terrorize our country.
“Government officials in these once-great American cities have tied the hands of our law enforcement officers while violent mobs brutally assault them with commercial-grade fireworks, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and other deadly weapons. The domestic terrorists committing these vicious attacks and heinous crimes can no longer be excused as ‘peaceful protesters.
“Ensuring the preservation of our country’s most basic constitutional rights is a core responsibility of federal government; therefore, we must act. Without civil order and prosecution of violent criminals, there is no life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness for law-abiding citizens. The radical Marxists attacking our communities and way of life must be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,”
Congressman Arrington announced the three pieces of legislation at the George H. Mahon Federal Building in Lubbock. All three pieces of legislation have Republican co-sponsors.
Arrington is scheduled to appear on The Chad Hasty Show Thursday at 8:35am.