With Chad on vacation, I’ll be taking over the “steaming pile” for a few days (and changing the name temporarily…) Here are my story picks for the day:

1.) Rick Perry not "tough enough" on immigration for some Republicans [link]

The critics have been picking on Rick Perry for everything from his book, to his stance on Social Security, to his 'Texas swagger." Now they've found something new to pick on: his track record with immigration.

The conservative pundit Ann Coulter has called Gov. Rick Perry “a little bit too much like George Bush” on immigration — and she doesn't mean it as a compliment. Tea Party loyalists have decried Perry’s opposition to a border fence and Arizona-style enforcement laws. And Mitt Romney has taken not-so-veiled jabs at Perry, criticizing officials who provide “incentives that promote illegal immigration.”

Perry's stance on immigration has often been generalized as "tough on security, gentle on people." So, do you think he can buckle down and get serious about illegal immigration?

2.) U.S. suffered hottest summer in 75 years [link]

It's not just Texas, all of America suffered through a long, hot summer this year. According to the National Climatic Data Center, the U.S. has had its hottest summer in 75 years, and the second hottest in U.S. history. Four states, including Texas, have had their warmest summers ever, and this year Texas has had its driest summer on record.  Anytime a nice, cool rain shower decides to hit the South plains would be fine by me.

3.) Scientists use new methods to discover "invisible" planet [link]

Looks like our universe will be getting a little bit bigger. Scientists have recently announced the discovery on a new world orbiting a star about 650 light years from us, in the Lyra constellation. But you can't see it with a telescope. The planet was "indirectly" detected by observing its gravitational pull on another nearby planet. With scientists developing new ways to explore more of our universe, it kind of makes you wonder what other "undetected" planets are out there.

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