‘Time of Day’ Irrigation Restrictions Begin April 1st in Lubbock
The City of Lubbock's annual "time of day" irrigation restrictions go into effect Monday, April 1st and will continue through September 30th.
A City of Lubbock press release says irrigation is only allowed from midnight to 10 a.m. and from 6 p.m. to midnight on your scheduled watering days.
Addresses ending in 0, 3, 4 or 9 are scheduled to water on Monday and Thursday.
Addresses ending in 1, 5 or 6 are scheduled to water on Tuesday and Friday.
Addresses ending in 2, 7, or 8 are scheduled to water on Wednesday and Saturday.
"Long-term, continuous water conservation is a high priority for the City of Lubbock. ’Time of day’ irrigation restrictions conserve water during the spring and summer, which are the higher evaporation times of the year on the South Plains. Year round irrigation schedules by address helps reduce the peak demand on our water system. All of the City’s water conservation measure assist in delaying expensive water supply projects which saves our customers money in the long run”, said Aubrey Spear, Director of Water Utilities.