This Is The Longest Direct Flight You Can Get From Texas
A lot of Texans will be traveling this summer for vacation. While many will be taking relatively short flights, either within Texas or within the United States, many will be boarding flights for much longer. For example flights to Europe and and Hawaii.
But some Texans will be boarding flights for a mega trip. Thousands of miles away and many, many hours away. In fact, Texas has some of the longest direct flights you can find.
On February 1st, American Airlines announced its longest nonstop flight ever. DFW to Brisbane, Australia. The 17 hour, 7,200 mile flight will begin service on October 27 and will operate each day as the season continues. But that isn't the longest flight you can get on.
The longest direct, nonstop flight offered in Texas, is once again offered at DFW Airport. According to Yahoo and The Independent, Qantas Airlines offers a DFW to Melbourne flight that is 17 hours, and 45 minutes. The route covers 8,992 miles. It is the world's fourth longest passenger flight by distance.
It's probably a flight you don't want to be in Economy for if you can help it.
By the way, the longest flight by miles in the world? Singapore to New York City and JFK Airport. The flight checks in at just over 18 hours and covers 9,537 miles.
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