Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center’s School of Nursing Named as a Center of Excellence
One of Texas Tech University’s colleges has been recently recognized as a national Center of Excellence.
The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing is one of six nursing schools that have been recognized as a Center of Excellence by the National League of Nursing Board of Governors for the years of 2014-2018.
This year the TTUHSC School of Nursing received their first nomination as a center of excellence. The NLN began inviting schools to apply in 2004. The school will be officially recognized on September 19 at the NLN’s Annual Education Summit in Phoenix, Arizona. TTUHSC School of Nursing Dean Michael L. Evans said the award was a testament to the faculty, staff and students.
“We are extremely honored to be recognized as an NLN Center of Excellence,” said Evans. “We join some of the Nation’s top nursing programs in this group of the select few COE schools.”
According to their website, the National League for Nursing is a membership organization for nursing educators and faculty. It was founded in 1893 as the American Society of Superintendants of Training Schools and was the first nursing organization in the United States.
When selecting schools for the award, the NLN looks at sustained faculty development, nursing education research and a proven commitment to continuous quality improvement. TTUHSC’s School of Nursing was selected for creating an environment that enhances student learning and professional development, according to the NLN.
Only 31 colleges and schools of nursing along with four health care organizations have been selected for the COE to date.