Bringing home a new puppy can be an exciting event for any family, however you’ll soon realize it’s not all fun and games. Read on to learn a little on expect during the first few weeks after bringing your furry friend home, plus a few tips on how to puppy-proof your home.
Ok, so you’ve evaluated your life and decided you can commit the necessary time to a new puppy. You’ve finally found a breeder and now you’re ready to bring the furry little fellow home with you. What do you do now? Read more to find out what supplies you’ll need, and a few tips to keep from breaking the bank.
Let’s say you’ve decided you want a puppy. Better yet, you’ve decided what breed of dog you want to buy. Finding a breeder may not be as easy as it sounds. You can’t just open up the phone book and find a listing. Finding a breeder capable of providing you with a puppy can take weeks, even months, depending on the breed. (more after the jump)
Not too long ago, I made the big decision to move out of my parent’s house. I was, of course, excited beyond measure. However, after about the first week, I realized living on your own could get kind of lonely. My roommate’s work schedule meant she was usually gone, and there wasn’t always someone available to get coffee with me. So, I made the decision to buy a dog.