Fully vaccinated residents at nursing homes, assisted living centers, and long-term care facilities in Texas will now be able to meet visitors in person.
Friday on KFYO Mornings with Dave King and Matt Martin, editor of the Quorum Report Scott Braddock joined Dave and Matt to talk about the national election this year compared to 2018, a race for Speaker of the Texas House, the Texas House, redoing the Census, the Governor's emergency power, and more...
Governor Greg Abbott made the decision last week to open some Texas businesses on May 1st. He announced at a press conference Tuesday that he's adding more to the list.
Barbershops, hair salons, tanning salons, and nail salons will all be allowed to reopen Friday, May 8th...
"Things are going ok. We are in uncharted waters and we try our best every day to make the decisions that, first and foremost, provide for the safety of our citizens," Mayor Pope said.
The Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced on Friday that three of the National Guard Task Force Brigades are being deployed as part of the response to COVID-19.