There is a bit of everything for everyone this weekend. Whether you want a new tattoo, want to grab a delicious regional treat, or re-experience your emo days, there is plenty to enjoy. Keep scrolling for more information.
While I am happy with most any ranch, I do have some favorites, and I know other ranch lovers feel the same. We all have that one restaurant that has what we consider to be the best ranch, and we are die-hard about it.
Someone shared that they add pickles to their Dr Pepper and now it is blowing up. Apparently, it is relatively normal in some areas, but most people are absolutely taken aback by the concept.
Every year, they bring fresh fruit to various communities via a refrigerated semi-truck. From strawberries to cherries, you can get beautiful fruit for canning, baking, and sharing with your loved ones.
As the weekend arrives in Lubbock, you might be wondering what kind of events are going on for you to enjoy. Well, that is what these last-minute plans are for.