Prosecutor: Staff Discovers More Than 200 Unexamined Cases
GEORGETOWN, Texas (AP) — A newly elected district attorney in Central Texas says his staff has discovered paperwork showing that more than 200 criminal cases had never been examined by prosecutors.
Williamson County District Attorney Shawn Dick tells the Austin American-Statesman (http://atxne.ws/2mm98Tl ) that many of the cases date back to 2014 and range from sexual assaults to forgeries.
Dick took over as district attorney in January, replacing Jana Duty, who he defeated in the Republican primary last March.
Dick believes the problem of the unexamined cases is due to the district attorney's office being short-staffed during Duty's last year in office.
Duty did not respond to a request for comment on the cases and whether her office was, indeed, short-staffed last year.
Dick says he's hiring additional prosecutors to help with the backlog.
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