Oklahoma Named One of the Most Miserable States to Live In
Sorry Oklahomans, we did not make the list.
If this makes you angry, don't be mad at me. 24/7 Wall Street made the list. They determined the happiest states and most miserable states to live in. Obviously, if you're near the bottom you made the miserable category. Oklahoma ranks in the bottom five, ouch. The official ranking is 46th for the entire country.
Five factors went into this list. Residents who like what they do every day, Residents with a strong social relationship, Residents in near perfect physical health, Poverty rate, and Violent crime rate. Oklahoma did not do well in any of these categories obviously. They ranked the worst in physical health, second lowest in the whole country.
Texas came in at thirteenth on the list for happiest states to live in. Kind of average number for all the categories listed above. The highest they ranked in was for people enjoying what they do every day, eighth highest in the nation. So if you live in Oklahoma and are not happy. Maybe a change of scenery is all you need.
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