41 Children Have Recently Gone Missing in Texas — Have You Seen Them?

For many Texas kids, June is the start of making new memories with friends and family. School is out and the summer is just beginning. You don't have to think about the upcoming school year. Instead, for many it's a time to relax. But not every child gets to have that June or summer.
Instead, too many go missing from home. Missing from their family, and missing from friends. Texas authorities need your help in finding 41 children that went missing in Texas during the month of June. These children are from all parts of Texas, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).
Please take some time to look at the pictures below and see if you recognize any of the faces or names. As you're looking through these photos, if you recognize one of the missing children and have any information concerning their where they may be or may be going, you're asked to call 911 or the NCMEC's phone number at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678). Together, we can help these children get back to the safety and security of their family and loved ones.
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