Would you go to school in the middle of the night?

More and more colleges across the U.S. are starting to offer midnight classes. These classes are designed for students who can't attend regularly scheduled classes, such as students with children, full-time jobs, or students who just like to stay up really, really late. Although they're still uncommon, these midnight classes are growing in popularity due to several factors, like overcrowded colleges, increased enrollment, and an increasing number of students working full or part-time during college.

As far as I know, Texas Tech does not offer any midnight classes, but it's not a bad idea. It seems more students are pursuing a career while they're still in school, and it's great to see schools willing to work with those students, especially if they're working to put themselves through college. Not to mention that the majority of college students stay up ridiculously late anyway.  (I'm pretty much the only one out of all my college-age friends who actually goes to bed before midnight.) This is one idea I would like to see catch on.

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