Watch: Texas Woman Horrified After Life-Threatening Road Rage Incident
Road rage is something that often gets the best of all of us. Whether you’ve been cut off, had a parking spot stolen, or any other upsetting incident, getting a little annoyed is to be expected.
However, there are some people out there that take things way too far.

Some folks get so upset that all reasonable thought goes out the window. They will follow you home, drive recklessly around you, or even pull a gun in the worst scenarios. These people are also usually the ones that cause the problem in the first place.
People like this make it scary to even honk your horn. I often allow myself to be cut off or I’ll let someone in front of me sit at a green light for way too long without honking because I'm afraid they might get a little too mad and put me and anyone in the car with me in danger.
A woman encountered one of these people recently and shared her story on TikTok.
After simply merging into the lane next to her as the car behind her did the same, the person behind got so upset they pulled up next to her and started yelling. Simply focusing on getting home to their kids, the woman calmly interacted with the enraged driver, knowing that she was not in the wrong in this situation. The angry driver wasn’t happy with that response and decided to pull out a gun.
Thankfully no one was hurt, but that is a horrifying thing to go through. These people get so upset that any thought of right or wrong leaves their mind. They don’t care about you, your safety, or the safety of anyone else on the road.
Knowing this, please be careful out there. Your life is more important than trying to prove a point on the road.