Video: Dollar General Customer Watches Store While Only Employee Uses Bathroom
Dollar General is notorious for being pretty chaotic. You almost feel like you need to stop and help. There are usually only one or two employees and aisles crowded with pallets of merchandise that never seem to make it to the shelves. Most of the stores look like they were just hit by a tornado.
Can you imagine having to lock the front door to a store full of customers just to be able to use the bathroom? A Dollar General store employee allegedly apologized to customers and locked up so that she could excuse herself for a bathroom break.
When you gotta go, you gotta go, and she simply didn't have any other options.
A customer shared a TikTok of her experience at Dollar General and if you didn't already feel bad for their employees, you definitely will now. This entire scenario is flat-out unacceptable, especially given the fact that 92% of the employees make less than $15 an hour.
Check out the video below:
It doesn't really matter what city you are in. Dollar General stores across the board are basically all the same. Just one big mess. Yet, those low prices keep customers coming back for more. We've all gotten used to pushing carts full of products out of the way to get what we came for. It doesn't really look like things will ever change.
I don't recall them being quite this bad when I was a little kid, but then again, I was probably more focused on begging my mom for toys and candy than I was on the cleanliness of the store and the happiness of employees.
Has it always been this bad? Comment below this article on our Facebook page if you've been in a similar situation as the woman in the video.