So, so many of you shared this story about Bill Murray passing through Lubbock.

According to "Channel 16 News," Bill Murray gave a radio interview (station is not mentioned) about getting a flat near the "city limits of Lubbock, Texas" (because anyone ever talks like that) and how "they had no idea who I was before they pulled over" because jaded L.A. folks could spot Bill Murray inside a rental car going 60 down the highway. It's their super power.

I'm not knocking you really if you shared this. Everyone skims articles for the basic content and, on the surface, it seems like a charming story about a beloved actor having a pleasant interaction with our town. We crave decent news in craptastical times like these.

But...but...why would Bill Murray pass through Lubbock? There is never any reason to "pass through" Lubbock. We are six hours from any major city and there's a better route for really any of those locations. You only "pass through" Lubbock to get to like, Plainview or something.

These "satire" sites are the absolute worst garbage of the internet. Actually, they are more like the liquid that pools on the bottom of the dumpster. They make up complete, yet fairly believable, nonsense clickbait to fool you into visiting their site. And then they put a tiny disclaimer saying it's satire so they are not libel for their lies. Frankly I'm appalled they call themselves satire because it's not really. There is no joke, no commentary, nothing of substance -- just a stupid lie.

So remember kids, if it sounds unlikely and it's not from a news source you've ever heard of, it's probably a lie. And Snopes is always there for you.

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