
Zen Magnets Banned
Zen Magnets Banned
Zen Magnets Banned
This year the popular magnets Buckyballs and Buckycubes were voluntarily recalled by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission as part of a settlement with a case filed by CPSC in 2012 leaving Zen Magnets the only distributor of magnetic spheres in the United States.
ISS Apps
ISS Apps
ISS Apps
In the past I've written a couple of articles about watching the International Space Station (ISS) when it passes overhead. Lots of folks were interested, and many had no idea this was even possible, so here's a little more information that will be useful if you are interested in viewing passes.
TX Senators On Net Neutrality
TX Senators On Net Neutrality
TX Senators On Net Neutrality
President Barack Obama recently urged the Federal Communication Commission to protect unrestricted access to the internet under Title II of the Telecommunications Act but U.S. Senators from Texas are equating the "net neutrality" laws to Obamacare.
ISS Visible in Lubbock
ISS Visible in Lubbock
ISS Visible in Lubbock
The ISS pass will begin about 7:21pm, and will last for about 6 minutes. Look just above the northwest horizon to find a bright object that will look like a very bright star or a planet moving up quickly. The station will pass across fairly close to overhead then move toward the southeast horizon. You do not need to drive out of town, as you should be able to spot the station even under the bright city lights. Just take the family out in the yard or a park, anywhere the sky can be seen well.
Watching the ISS
Watching the ISS
Watching the ISS
The ISS orbits at an altitude of about 200 - 270 miles above the earth, at a speed of over 17,000 mph. The (relatively) low altitude orbit requires sighting opportunities of the Station to be fairly close to sunset or sunrise time to be visible, though the sky can still be completely dark. It's common to see the ISS literally disappear as you watch it. This occurs when it travels into the shadow of the earth.
SpaceX Breaks Ground with Perry
SpaceX Breaks Ground with Perry
SpaceX Breaks Ground with Perry
Texas Governor Rick Perry helped break ground on SpaceX’s new Commercial Launch Facility located near Boca Chica Beach in Cameron County. The facility will be used to launch commercial satellites into orbit and is the first of its kind. The Monday, September 22, groundbreaking near Brownsville is the culmination of years of cooperation between Texas and SpaceX...

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