A Unique Solar Eclipse Viewing for Lubbock Set for May 20th [VIDEO]
Lubbock and the surrounding area will have a chance to view the next solar eclipse while having a party. The Texas Tech Museum and South Plains Astronomy Club will be hosting a solar eclipse viewing party starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Lubbock Lake Landmark.
The eclipse will be an annular solar eclipse where approximately 94% of the sun will be covered by the moon and viewers are strongly encouraged to wear eye protection before viewing the event. The Astronomy Club will provide safe views for all in attendance filtered telescopes and eclipse glass will also be available for a modest cost. Children will also have activities to do as well before the viewing to educate them on the science of the eclipse.
This will be an event low to the horizon, west Texas weather may interfere with viewing, but we plan to stream video from other locations if it's not visible here. See Mr. Eclipse's Website for methods of safely viewing the eclipse and check out the map from NASA of the expected trajectory for viewing the eclipse here.
Check out this video also from the BBC.