On April 24th, The Texas Tech University Office of LGBTQIA, along with the Women’s Studies Program, will be holding a special screening of the movie A Very Sordid Wedding.
This is a sequel to the movie Sordid Lives, which has a very large cult following...
Three big movies arrive in theaters this weekend: a sequel to a 2013 horror blockbuster, an Oscar-hunting thriller and the film adaptation of a bestselling book series.
Throughout David Fincher’s adaptation of ‘Gone Girl,’ it was almost as if my subconscious was telling me that this movie shouldn’t be as good as what I was watching. That’s not a slam on Gillian Flynn’s novel (obviously; I haven’t read it), it’s just that the book is presented in such a unique way, which would at least seem almost impossible to pull off – just in a basic book vs. movie sort of way. Look, I understand that this following statement can be said about most movies, but in a less capable director’s hands – and with a less capable cast -- this movie could have easily have been garbage. Actually, this movie should have been garbage.
Starting tonight and going through the weekend you and your family can take in a terrific movie and at the same time help support the Texas South Plains Honor Flight program.
The Stars and Stripes Drive In here Lubbock is showing the latest “Captain America” movie – entitled “Captain America: Winter Soldier” – and tonight and tomorrow night, the Drive In will donate 10% of their ticket and concess