Texas continues to feel the heat as the summer drags its feet on the way to fall. Keep scrolling to get a variety of ideas for hydrating snack and meal options that the whole family will love.
If you aren’t sure what name was the most popular the year you were born, or you want to see how certain name’s popularity changed over time, keep scrolling to see the most popular boy and girl names from the years 1960-2022.
Things like wide-brim hats, fans, staying in the shade, and enjoying a cold drink are always good things, but sometimes you want to try something different.
There are plenty of things that are great for humans but can be very toxic to our canine companions. Even if your dog begs for it and would likely enjoy eating it in the moment, you have to avoid giving it to them.
From emergency kits to inspecting different parts of your home, you can save yourself a lot of trouble when it comes to hail, flooding, and other potential threats.