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Current global totals and information from the World Health Organization

Current U.S. numbers, updated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Current global totals and information from the World Health Organization

COVID-19 symptoms from the CDC

COVID-19 prevention and treatment from the CDC


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Current COVID-19 case count in Lubbock County

Lubbock restaurants doing drive-thru, curbside and delivery

Flying Out of Lubbock Anytime Soon? Remember To Bring Your Mask
Flying Out of Lubbock Anytime Soon? Remember To Bring Your Mask
Flying Out of Lubbock Anytime Soon? Remember To Bring Your Mask
While most of the world is attempting to get back to normal the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention won't let the American people get back to complete normal any time soon. On Wednesday the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that one of the only mask orders left in the nation would be extended by another two weeks...
Congressman Chip Roy Calls on Republicans to Fight Mandates
Congressman Chip Roy Calls on Republicans to Fight Mandates
Congressman Chip Roy Calls on Republicans to Fight Mandates
While the CDC and states around the nation are beginning to get rid of COVID-19 mandates such as masking in restaurants, there are still mandates imposed on many Americans by the federal government. This has struck a nerve with some republicans, including Texas Congressman Chip Roy. ...

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