Chevron announced this morning they will be relocating their headquarters from San Ramon, California to Houston, Texas. Along for the ride, Chevron Chairman and CEO, Mike Wirth, and Vice Chairman, Mark Nelson, will be moving to Houston, too. The move will allow them to better engage and collaborate with Chevron employees, execs, and business partners.

Corporate functions within the company will be fully integrated into the new Houston headquarters in the next 5 years if things go as planned.

Chevron operates crude oil fields, technical facilities, and two refineries, all of which supply over 1,800 retail stations in the state of California alone. Chevron currently has roughly 7,000 employees in the Houston area, and the 2000 employees remaining in San Ramon will reportedly see minimal impact as a result of their decision to move headquarters to Texas.

Californians get a bad rep for moving to Texas by the truckload, but I'm here for it! Business is business and jobs are jobs. The more big companies we pull in, the better. We've welcomed SO many over the last 4 years. Kelly-Moore Paints, McAfee, Tesla, Charles Schwab, and dozens of others now call Texas home. You can find a complete list of all the companies that have moved to Texas from California here.

Drop me a comment below this article and let me know how you feel about the influx of Californians coming to Texas, then keep scrolling for more Texas-based news in the galleries below...

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